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Vision, Mission & Approach

A row of cabins on the side of a road.

Our Vision

A dedicated group of engaged individuals united with the bonds of shared commitment and shared resources that provide a quality education for Pine Forge Academy high school students so they become contributing adults in society and world leaders.


Foster real-world learning opportunities for PFA students and families.


  • Develop and implement community service models that support students for college and enrich their lives
  • Develop and implement career readiness programming through the Louis R. Palmer, Jr. Student Work-Study program
  • Expand access to financial resources to support college and career readiness
  • Provide resources that empower students through building a strong value system and mentoring to provide confidence and experience.


Our Mission


  • To provide tuition scholarships, financial aid and mentoring.
  • To promote health care awareness to under-served communities.
  • To develop effective fundraising strategies that support Pine Forge Academy initiatives.


Establish close alignments with concerned citizens to raise scholarship dollars for students. 


  • Establish partnerships, actively appeal to decision makers within the business community
  • Appeal to thought leaders to join our mission and advocate for investing in the future of minority youth who are eager to succeed and need financial support
  • Provide meaningful data on the successful impact of the Foundation’s scholarship program
  • Seek creative solutions and innovative practices to raise scholarship dollars


Our Approach


In pursuit of our mission, we will abide by key principles of leadership in order to advance educational achievement and life skills for success consistent with the mutual goals and aspirations of Pine Forge Academy  students, parents, teachers and alumni.

  • Structure the Foundation to permit innovative ideas that drive, direct and determine our success.
  • Identify opportunities where the Foundation can sharpen its purpose and direction.
  • Create sustainable partnerships to leverage our resources and capabilities in order to support, advance and empower PFA students.
  • Create and sustain an environment that values planning, transparency and performance above everything else.


Promote Community-Based Collaboration, innovation, and sharing of resources.


  • Involve community participation through volunteerism and giving
  • Continue to bring the community together to support a culture of learning
  • Identify and implement strategic alignment with other organizations to leverage resources around common goals