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Applications and Criteria

Two men in white shirts and bow ties posing for a picture.

Scholarship Application Guide for Parents and Students


Student applicants must meet the following criteria to be considered for a scholarship award:

  • Be enrolled as a full-time student at Pine Forge Academy (PFA) as verified by the Office of Records and Admissions.
  • Demonstrate financial need as verified by the PFA Business Office.
  • Have a minimum 2.5 Cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA), unless otherwise stated by the benefactor.
  • Submit a complete and accurate scholarship application with all relevant and required documentation.
  • Submit a completed application, with all required documentation, for each scholarship for which you are applying.
  • Each student may apply for as many scholarships as desired, however a student will only be approved for a maximum of two scholarships.
  • Submit a minimum of two recommendation letters (from your dean, pastor, teacher, employer, supervisor, etc.).
  • Provide these individuals from whom you are seeking recommendation letters with the criteria for each scholarship for which you are applying.
  • Inform individual from whom you are seeking a recommendation that each letter must be relevant and specific to the scholarship criteria.
  • Submit a well-written, meaningful essay, not to exceed 500 words, that is relevant and also specific to the criteria for each scholarship.
  • State how you fulfill the criteria of each scholarship you are applying for.
  • Submit all completed applications to the Principal/Headmaster’s Office by August 31st of each year.


Click here to download the scholarship criteria.


Scholarship Review Process

To ensure that all scholarship applications meet the requirements, they will first be reviewed by Pine Forge Academy for the following:

  • Accuracy
  • Completeness and overall quality of the application
  • Submission of required documentation
  • Verification of financial need
  • Enrollment and classification status
  • Cumulative GPA.
  • Quality of recommendations
  • Availability of scholarship funds


All qualified applications will then be forwarded to the PFA Foundation Endowments and Scholarship Committee.

Scholarships are awarded once each school year during Parents’ Weekend scheduled in October of the current school year.

Apply Now For A Scholarship

August 31st is the deadline for submitting applications, no exceptions!


For a list of available scholarships, please contact the

PFA BusinessOffice at610-326-5800


Click here to download student application helpful hints.

IMPORTANT: The PFA Foundation does not accept applications at its office.

All applications must be mailed to the PFA Principal/Headmaster’s Office.

Pine Forge Academy
Attention: PFA Principal’s/Headmaster’s Office
P.O. Box 338
Pine Forge Road
Pine Forge, Pennsylvania 19548



Edward Pelote, M.D.
PFAF President
Phone:615.406.7373 Fax: 610.326.3946
edwardpelotemd@pfafoundaiton.org / [email protected]