About The Program
The Luther R. Palmer, Jr. Work Study Program allows four students to work for the PFA Foundation a maximum of 40 hours per month (10 hours per week). Student employees will have this unique opportunity as long as their grades are not affected. The student’s earned compensation will be applied to their monthly bill by the 10th of the following month. Student workers will be employed in a safe and comfortable environment where they will always be treated and compensated fairly.
Our mission is to provide work opportunities for Pine Forge Academy students that help off-set the cost of education while providing students with valuable work experience that is becoming increasingly important in today’s global economy.
Our goal is to help student’s find employment that not only adds substantial value to PFA Foundation operations, but substantial value to each student’s personal and professional development.
Let’s support our students who are eager to help with financing their education!
Benefitsof Employment
- Student earns money to help pay for their PFA educational expenses
- Student becomes involved and takes ownership of their education
- Student becomes familiar with other students
- Working with other students increases communication and relationship skills
- Student will have flexible work hours to participate around their class schedule
- Develop transferable skills that are necessary for a great career upon graduation
- Work study income will not affect applying for academic scholarships
- Future employees are often impressed by students who have work study experience
- Student will develop superior time-management and organizational skills
- Supervisor of work study program will be an excellent reference for college
- Networking and reference opportunities
- Opportunity for student to develop excellent leadership skills
- Increased connection to campus community
- Gain valuable training and work experience