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Our Impact

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Measuring Our Impact


As scholarship providers of a merit-based system, we often wonder if our scholarships are actually having the intended impact on students.

For more than 70 years, PFA Foundation Scholars have gone on to accomplish great things. They become nationally renowned doctors, renowned attorneys, accomplished politicians, famous actors, composers of popular music standing the test of time, accomplished politicians, community advocates for social progress and even today’s Chaplain of the U.S. Senate, Chaplain Barry Black.

Available to our Scholars is a vast network of alumni leaders that make it possible for our Scholars to have immeasurable resources for mentoring and access to business leaders who continue to support and assist them beyond college.

The impact of our program continues to meet our goals and objectives – extending educational opportunities to students who want to achieve and become worthwhile, contributing citizens and leaders. The impact of the investment in our scholars communicates immeasurable value on the investment of our scholarship program for each individual student.

As a Foundation, we seek to empower Pine Fine Academy students by developing programs that promote access to education, healthcare and economic opportunity through our work study program. Because our impact has increased significantly over the years, we are motivated to explore new ways to add to our success and bolster our commitment.



  • More than 500 scholarships awards given to PFA students
  • 100% of our high school graduates go on to become college graduates
  • Scholarship benefactors continue to mentor their scholar recipients
  • Produced the second annual Barry Black Oratorical Contest
  • Development of a high-powered Board of Directors
  • Implemented the Paul R. Jones Capital Campaign Initiative


Going Forward, We Strive To:

  • Further develop our programs and build our fund raising efforts
  • Continue the momentum of the Paul R. Jones Capital Campaign
  • Continue to partner with our affiliates in order to make a tangible and sustainable impact to further the programs, initiatives and goals of the Pine Forge Academy community
  • Develop a comprehensive strategic plan to monitor and measure the impact of our short-term outcomes and successes along with evaluating our long-term impact
  • Further our goal to give a minimum of $75,000 in scholarships
  • Build a strong and effective work study program that will provide more educational benefits and financial support to our students
  • Work diligently to attract and maintain local, regional and national relationships to ensure the long-term sustainability of our Foundation



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Testimonials: Transforming Lives

Our Foundation scholarship recipients have become world leaders in all fields of endeavor as a direct result of the PFA Foundation Educational Scholarship Program

We love to hear how our scholars are progressing at Pine Forge Academy, in college and in their chosen fields of endeavor after college. The Foundation is proud to be a part of helping hundreds of students make informed education decisions in high school. Here’s just a small sample of what they’re saying.


“This scholarship allows me to be able to continue my Christian education at Pine Forge Academy. I appreciate learning strong ethical and moral teachings that will help me to be a better person and make decisions in life.”

Johnathan Tyrell (2016-17 Scholarship Recipient)


Taylor Roper, was the female student of the year and the class Valedictorian. She presently has the highest academic “standing” of Freshman in the Howard University Honors Program. Taylor is the granddaughter of Dr. Marguerite Dixon, a member of the first PFA student body class to graduate in 1947.

“Receiving an education from Pine Forge has helped me be more confident in myself and my purpose. College is definitely not easy, but knowing who I am and why I am here has really helped ground me. The faith in and relationship with God that matured at Pine Forge is the only reason I am Howard right now. The experiences I have gained have helped shape me into the person I am today, and for that I will forever be grateful to my alma mater.”

Taylor Roper / Class of 2016


“This is my first year at Pine Forge Academy and as a child of a single parent home, it really helped my mom out without the cost of the tuition. We are very grateful and appreciate the scholar­ship. I came to Pine Forge because my mother is an alumni and she desired her children to also at­tend Pine Forge Academy. I really do appreciate receiving the scholarship. I will continue my education either at Oakwood University or Ohio Northern University. I will be studying bio-chemistry and nursing. Again I say thank you for the scholarship.”

Tyler McKinney / Class of 2017


“I would like to express my most sincere gratitude to you for awarding this educational scholarship for the second time. I felt honored when I found out I was chosen for the Charles L. Brook Memorial scholarship. I am very thankful for your help in suppo1t of my education. My mother and I struggle with financial issues. But this scholarship has helped me. I promise that I will continue to strive to maintain honors and to be an asset to Pine Forge Academy. I’m very grateful that I am able to attend this school, and get an awesome education. I am personally motivated.”

Felicia Deprey /PFA Sophomore


“This is my second year at Pine Forge. I am planning to become a marine biologist. I want to go to Oakwood for my college education. I assure you that I won’t let this investment be wasted. I’ll work even harder to achieve my goal. By awarding me the Lester Palmer Outstanding Effort Scholarship, I am able to concentrate on what is important for me, my education. I hope one day I will be able to inspire and help other students to achieve their goal as you did with me. Thank you again for the scholarship.”

Matthew Brown



“I was extremely happy to learn that I received the William 0. Sr. and Ida M Anderson Fund Scholarship. This blessing allowed me to continue my education at Pine Forge Academy. This is my second year at Pine Forge Academy, and I come from a single parent home. My grandma has been taking care of me since I lost my parents in 2010. So I’m happy and thankful with what you’ve given me and it will help my grandma a lot. Pine Forge Academy is the best environment for me. I am really thankful for receiving the scholarship”

Leaton Roper /May 2017 Graduate



“Attending Pine Forge Academy was always a dream of mine, ever since I was in the 7th grade. Coming to school at Pine Forge Academy can be financially hard and burdening, especially for my parents. However, by giving me this prestigious scholarship, the load has been made a little bit lighter. I would like to say thank you so much for allowing me to win this award. My parents sacrifice so much to ensure I obtain a good education. You recognized a financial need for my family and you did what could to help. I’m grateful.”

Aston Waite III /Class of 2016


“I was very happy to learn that I was a recipient of the John K. and Linda Grier Scholarship. I am writing to thank you for your generous, financial support towards my education. This is my third year at Pine Forge Academy and being here has helped me grow in many ways, spiritually, academically, and socially. I am from a single family household, and my mom has been struggling for three years to put me through Pine Forge. Your support to me shows me that other people, besides my family, care about my education and the education of young African-American students. Thank you for helping me continue my third year. I hope one day I am also able to give back to students just as you have helped me.”

Marissa R. Moseley

“It made me very proud when I found out I was chosen for the Furman Memorial Scholarship. This is my third year at Pine Forge Academy. I plan to graduate in May of 2017. I then plan to continue on to higher education at Oakwood University. Your support and kindness shows that I should never give up even when times get hard because people want me to succeed. It also lets me know that people actually care to help out students when they don’t even personally know them. I appreciate it a lot. Thank you.”

Jessica J. Chambers /Class of 2017


“The Dr. Melodie Mayberry-Stewart Scholarship of Academic Excellence will really help me and my family. Pine Forge has helped me mature and grow as an individual. It has also taught me how to be self-sufficient and how to live on my own. I will continue my education at Oakwood University where I will study computer and political science. I thank you for your scholarship. You will always have my gratitude.”

Clifford Fields /Class of 2017


“I am writing to thank Dr. Melodie Mayberry-Stewart for your generous, financial supp01i towards my education. As we both know, Pine Forge Academy is a sacrifice, especially, for a single parent, so any help is greatly appreciated. I would like to let you know that I am extremely thankful and I will continue to work hard and strive to be the best I can be.”

Sarah-Ann Davis


“I am thankful to be a recipient of the William O. Sr. and Ida M. Anderson Memorial Scholarship fund for my education. I have been attended Pine Forge Academy four years and it has been really difficult for my morn to pay the bill by herself. My goals after high school is to go to college and to become a physiotherapist. Their award of has encouraged me to continue to be serious about my education and my aspirations in life. Currently, I am trying to attain a 4.0 GPA so I can be a part of the National Honor Society and to make my mother proud. When I become of age, I want to give children the same opportunity you have given to me.”

Joshua Bruce-McKenley /Class of 2016