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Why Giving is Important


The spirit of giving continues to be is alive and well at Pine Forge Academy Foundation. Each and every gift of time and resources is gratefully received and deeply appreciated. With your gift, you make a difference in the lives of all Pine Forge Academy students. We want to be part of creating an environment for them to be able to study, work, play, create and reach their dreams.


Our hope is that everyone who is part of the Pine Forge Academy family, current families, alumni families, grandparents, friends, alumni and others, will consider a gift to our Foundation. At the core of our Foundation’s mission is the building and nurturing of relationships with individuals, organizations and businesses who share our vision of educational excellence.


Like every non-profit foundation, our Foundation needs the philanthropic support of the people who care about our meaningful programs that support the Academy. In order to cover operating costs and offer vibrant programs, we rely on your support. The generosity of your gifts of time and resources makes a significant difference in the lives of our students and enables us to fulfill our mission.

A man in a suit and tie with his arms crossed.A man in a suit and tie with his arms crossed.

Make a Financial Contribution

Pine Forge Academy Foundation’s commitment and leadership in supporting PFA high school students depend greatly on the generosity of alumni, parents, friends and businesses. From annual gifts that make an immediate impact from the emergency fund toendowed gifts that last for generations, contributions to the Foundation serve as a catalyst for positive change.

Central to our commitment to operating is our mission to educate African American students and advance their dreams for a higher education. Your demonstration of support inspires some real results and the Foundation is privileged to have your involvement. Your gift to the PFA Foundation provides scholarships and supports key Pine Forge Academy initiatives that enhance academic excellence and student success.

We greatly appreciate your decision to support Pine Forge Academy Foundation. Every gift we receive helps the Academy enroll promising students, ensures the quality of their education and motivates others to also give.


There are a variety of ways to make your gift.

Online Donations

To make a gift online through our secure online giving website,click here.

Pine Forge Academy Foundation also accepts donations using Credit Card orPayPal services.

Is my donation tax-deductible?

The Pine Forge Academy Foundation is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization. Donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. Financial information may be obtained by calling us at 216.851.1018 or by E-mail at [email protected]

A tax acknowledgement will be mailed at the end of each month.

How is my donation used?

Donations are used to benefit Pine Forge Academy student scholarship and work-study programs.

Check or Money Order

Make checks or money orders payable to Pine Forge Academy Foundation and mail to the administrative office at the address below.

Gifts from Your Will or Trust

You can plan a gift to PFAF that will only take effect after your other obligations are fulfilled.


  • Your assets remain in your control during your lifetime.
  • You can modify your gift to address changing circumstances.
  • You can direct your gift to a particular purpose (be sure to check with us to make sure your gift can be used as intended).
  • Under current tax law, there is no upper limit on the estate tax deduction for your charitable bequests.

    If you need further information and assistance about additional ways to give such as bequests,

    and gifts of assets such asstock or real estate please contact:


Edward Pelote, M.D.
PFAF President
edwardpelotemd@pfafoundaiton.org / [email protected]